
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Vista: I finally cracked it to OS X

Not to copy off of Mr. Mssuxandotherstuff here but I really wanted to show you all some cool things that I just discovered with theming. So here's my current desktop's screencap.

Now we've all seen themes before and just having Mac wallpaper isn't that impressive, but look closely at the title bar. Yes, that's it... lean in and look!

Wait... what's that?

YES! The buttons are really on the left side. IN WINDOWS!!! I found this awesome stand alone, non-install program called leftsider that is completely free. It only works in windows vista though. I've heard that it can work in xp but will only affect explorer windows. In vista, though, everything is switched. Combine it with a theme, some wallpaper, and RKLauncher and you have a suitable mac on pc.

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posted by Brice Helman at 1:14 PM 1 comments

MS-DOS: Getting back to the root of it all

Lately I have taken a deep interest in command prompting and especially batch files. Since we use batch files at work to run scripts for installing files and installing network printers and other miscellaneous tasks, I wanted to learn more about the cool things that are possible with building batch files. After reading through an online ebook I found that you can script batch files a way that is even more fun than doing it in notepad. To get here, start a command prompt. I'll make the following instructions in command prompt style: ('REM' means that it is just a remark. Do not actually type these.)

REM (In command prompt)
edit test.bat
REM This will actually create a batch file in your current folder (wherever command prompt is pointing)
REM Guess what? You are now in a true MS-DOS window. This goes back before command prompt. WOW.
@echo off
echo Hello. This is a test batch file.
echo This batch file will now terminate.

Okay, did you follow all of that? Now use your mouse to click file, and then save. And then go File > Exit. This will bring you back to command prompt. Now type 'test'. This should run your batch file. There are alot of advance commands that you can do like deleting files, moving files, and even some light programming like using the choice command.

The best thing you can do to find out more about commands is to actually use command prompt. If you type a command followed by /? it will display all the parameters and usages of that command and will usually give you an example. Seriously. Go try it out. You're not going to hurt anything.

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posted by Brice Helman at 12:15 AM 2 comments

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Calling all readers!

If you haven't noticed, over here on the right side of the page down below the archives is a little counter that keeps track of how many view my website gets per week. Lately the traffic report has shown about 25 views. I thought that was a bit high because I didn't think that many people read my blog.

So I'm curious to find out how many people really do read it. So all of you do me a quick favor and leave a comment on this post. You can just leave your name, or your nickname, or none at all. I do also want to know how often you read my posts.

Thanks for filling in my curiosity.



posted by Brice Helman at 8:55 PM 2 comments

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cymatics: Sound waves can make pretty pictures

Did you know that sound waves can align physical matter into pretty patterns based upon the pitch of a tone?

Me neither.


posted by Brice Helman at 2:15 PM 0 comments