
Saturday, August 9, 2008

OS: Killing the evil

The time has come where I have decided to pull the plug on Vista. After noticing my hard drive deteriorate from 99 GB of free space to 71 GB of free space in less than a week and not being able to do disk cleanup, along with incompatible hardware and software, I decided it's not worth it. So this is the last post from inside Vista - probably forever.

I am going to install a smaller hard drive (80 GB) and install Windows XP SP2 on it. I'm going to keep all my files on my larger SATA drive (372 GB). Yes I am going to miss all the eye candy but I can no longer stand all the issues.

What finally pushed me over the edge was I just bought a webcam today from the Walmart Clearance Aisle. HEY! You can find a lot of good and cheap stuff down that aisle!

Anywho, it was like this $70 thing for $20. It also comes with a bluetooth head set and a bluetooth dongle for PC via USB. Well guess what. None of it worked with Vista.

So goodbye you evil operating system. Enjoy your death as Microsoft will destroy you in less than two years.

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posted by Brice Helman at 3:25 PM 1 comments

Wanted: Any old computers or parts.

STOP! Don't throw that computer out!

I am currently seeking computers and parts or any electronic device that is going into your garbage pile. Anything you don't want anymore that runs on electricity, please tell me.


posted by Brice Helman at 12:17 PM 0 comments

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Screenshots: What's Wrong Here?

For all those times when you stared at your computer and had a "What in the world?" moment or the less polite version of WTF - Here is my tribute via screenshots of a collection of errors and situations from Windows.

Hey, I found RND! (Get it, you know that "random" function in Visual Basic?)

Does anyone else see the irony here?

You have to believe me when I tell you that this is a real screenshot. I did not photoshop these buttons on here at all. If you don't believe me, just install an old version of bitcomet.

I don't think the point of a process tamer is to tame itself. I really couldn't believe this happened.

Now I really, really couldn't believe that this program did this. Again, I did not modify this picture what-so-ever. The ending percentage was something like 184% action progress with 173% overall progress after about 45 minutes actual time with 34 minutes estimated time.

Sometimes you wonder, "What on Earth is wrong with software these days?"


posted by Brice Helman at 9:52 PM 1 comments

Laugh of the Day


posted by Brice Helman at 9:48 PM 0 comments

Concept: Sony Vaio "Zoom" (with Holographic Screen)

Is that sexy or what? This is Sony's latest concept. I features a clear, glass screen and pure black surface when powered off. When you turn it on, the glass is filled with the image and the keyboard keys and track pad "light up". Man that would friggin awesome to have. I wouldn't care how much money I had to pay to get my hands on one of those. Unfortunately, it is just a concept and won't be developed until holograms become a reality.


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posted by Brice Helman at 9:39 PM 0 comments