
Friday, June 22, 2007

Anticipationals revisited

Sandman has brought up a good point.

I'm liking the idea so far, just there is one problem that I can spot very clearly. Have you seen the movie "The Terminator?" Well these anticipationals sound a lot like taking steps towards a "Sky-Net" type computer.

Basically this is the goal for most technology geeks and programmers. We want computers to be able to make their own decisions and become self aware and actually learn how to cope in a spontaneous environment. HOWEVER, thanks to Hollywood, there is now the concept that robots will take over the world due to self-awarness and their desire for power. This is not true. The desire for power must be a programmed motive and is too complex to be learned.

Good point though and I can see where you're coming from.

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posted by Brice Helman at 2:34 PM 1 comments

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First concept in programming

Here it goes. In programming, and in real life, humans and situations are unpredictable. That's why programming is all conditionals (if- statements) Even a subroutine is a conditional because it says, if Command1 is clicked then perform the following procedure. So here's an idea to write some sort of new language based off of C++, or .NET or some form of popular programming language. Instead of using conditionals and "Ifs", use "When". I'm just going to call it anticipationals. (You can probably guess where I came up with that). By making a computer understand anticipationals, the cpu can anticipate when a sub routine is about to fire. This is handy when used in large programs like Microsoft Office or even in complex Operating Systems.

So think about having a computer logically anticipate what the user is about to do and fire a subroutine before it is actually called. Obviously the indicators would have to be programmed. Say for example, there is a simple form with one Command Button on it. Now the subroutine is set to make the cpu first find a random integer and then display a corresponding message that is programmed into the code. So the subroutine now does all of this when Command1 is clicked.

Now lets change the subroutine from If Command1_Click to When Command1_Click. For this example lets say that the computer anticipates it's click when the cursor comes within fifteen pixels of Command1. When this is true, the subroutine is fired. The computer finds a random integer and finds the corresponding message, but it does not display the message box. Now all of this is stored as variables, say I. I is still kept in RAM until another anticipational is fired then I is rewritten. But if the mouse does not move, I remains the same. WHEN the mouse clicks, not IF, but it is going to, when it does, the subroutine is complete and the message is displayed faster than what it use to take.

Now a subroutine that simple really does not take that long to process, especially with dual and quad core processors. But think about a very large application that takes forever to load. Say Microsoft Word. That can take some time, but if the operating system is sure based on proximity of the pointer to the icon and application size (meaning it won't pre-fire for small applications which wastes time and resources) then think about how much faster computing will be.

Anticipationals are similar to conditionals, yes, but they have many differences as well. This might just be one useful idea that could be used in the next language.
posted by Brice Helman at 11:43 PM 1 comments

Grand Opening

Welcome everyone to the grand opening of GeekTech. This actually isn't my first blog so I'm quite accustomed to how blogger works so don't worry. The reason why I created this blog is so my friends would not have to read my theories and geeky posts on my general blog. For anyone out there that appreciates new theories and outlooks on life, then this just may be the place where you want to be reading. I am also a current subscriber and poster to for ideas with computers and other technologies.

So far I do not have much to say so I will put some links on here for all the other posts that I have put on my other blog.

Vista Start Menu for Windows XP (Near the bottom to middle of the post)

Useless Randomness (A bunch of weird little tidbits that will kind of make you think)

Randomness gives no predictability (This was a really fun post for me. This talks about a theory that will let computers generate random information)

Life Self Corrects (If you've been watching Lost, then you'll know what I mean, otherwise it talks about how a disruption in a chain of events can cause different outcomes)

A new word I discovered (This is kind of funny - It's not very long so you'll just have to read it)

Even though many people probably won't read this blog, it is still a good way for me to be able to express the inner ideas of my mind and put them in a place where they will be kept. So enjoy and I will post soon.

Another thing is too is that I don't want to be the only one typing up things on this blog. I have discovered that you can invite people to post on here. If you would like to, please leave a comment with your email address and I will add you to the invited author's list.
posted by Brice Helman at 12:04 PM 1 comments